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Major talks on topics central to my agenda:

Societal narratives about capitalism and implications for research in economics (2021):

Public support for environmental taxation (keynote, 2020):

The debate about economic growth (public lecture, in German, 2019):

Podcast Appearances:

Selection of recent talks:

"Net zero: How do we get there? Carbon prices, transport, narratives". Policy Research

Unit, Houses of Parliament. (January 2021)

"Making carbon pricing work for citizens" (Guest Lecture, January 2021), Doctoral Programme Climate Change, University of Graz 


"Kann sich Österreich eine ökologische Steuerreform leisten?" Third Vienna Forum

on Climate Action, organised by Global 2000 AT.


"Optimal fuel taxation with suboptimal health choices" SWEEP: Environmental Economics Joint Seminar of ZEW, ETH, RFF CMCC and University of Grenoble (October 2020)


"Klimaschutz und Wirtschaftswachstum –  Gegensätze?" Friedrich-Naumann Stiftung

fuer die Freiheit (October 2020)


"Optimal fuel taxation with suboptimal health choices" Invited seminar at ISER Osaka (September 2020)


Annual Coutts Lecture at Harrow School. "100 years after Pigou: Which future for

climate policy?" (June 2020)

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