Linus frequently communicates with the policy world and the general public about the results of his research. He is a member of Economics for Inclusive Prosperity and advised the European Comission as part of its Scientific Advice Mechanism. He was a Contributing Author to Chapter 5 of Working Group III of the 6th Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Linus is also a member of the Expert Commission of the German Catholic Church on “World Economy and Ethics: Sustainable Development".
Below is a list of selected policy writings, differentiated between English and German contributions. A selection of media contributions from Linus' research group can be found here.
Selected policy writings:
Contributions in English
Economic transport policy should prioritise physical activity (2024, with D. Klenert and S. Sulikova). LSE Blogs
Why energy standards can be fairer than carbon pricing schemes (2024, with J. Zhao). EUROPP
Meat tax: no UK politician is calling for one – but maybe they should (2023, with F. Funke). The Conversation
For climate economics, preferences can and should be treated as endogenous (2022, with T. Konc and N. Stern). VoxEU
What matters for the support of carbon taxes? Lessons from Germany (2021, with S. Sommer and M. Pahle). Green Fiscal Policy Network Blog
Carbon pricing for inclusive prosperity: the role of public support (2019, with D. Klenert). Economics for inclusive Prosperity Policy Brief 16
Reducing wealth inequality through wealth taxes without compromising economic growth (2019, with D. Klenert). Promarket
Why is carbon pricing in some countries more successful than in others? (2018, with F. Funke). Our World in Data
Shrink emissions, not the economy! (2018, with A. Radebach, J. Siegmeier and S. Sulikova). Our World in Data
Contributions in German:
„Bridging the Gap“: Wie wissenschaftliche Beratung für die Umweltpolitik gelingen kann (2024, mit H. Mitter, L. Tenkhoff, L. Wenz). Die Junge Akademie - Debattenbeitrag
Ist die aktuelle Verkehrspolitik ungesund? (2023). Tagesspiegel Background
Wie die Bepreisung von tierischen Produkten politisch möglich wird (2023, mit F. Funke und L. Tenkhoff). Tagesspiegel Background
Perspektiven auf Herausforderungen des Agrar- und Ernährungssystems (2023, mit F. Funke, T. Merl, H. Mitter, V. Priesemann, L. Wenz, A. Wiese). Die Junge Akademie - Pressemitteilung
Sind CO2-Preise wirklich gerechter als Energiestandards? (2022). Tagesspiegel Background
Wie sich Vermögensbesteuerung und Wirtschaftswachstum vereinbaren lassen (2022). Makronom
Die Notwendigkeit zum Wertewandel fordert auch die VWL heraus (2022, mit A. Wiese for Economists for Future). Makronom
Ein Kompromiss für faire Energiepreise (2022, mit S. Sommer, M. Pahle). Makronom
Können sich Demokratien eine ambitionierte Klimapolitik leisten? (2019, with O. Edenhofer). Zentrum Liberale Moderne